Top Tips
Cycling-related articles by Paul.
Derailleur Gears: A practical guide to their use and operation.
The guide to using derailleur gears. This article provides step-by-step guidance and advice to operating a bike equipped with derailleur gears. With lots of hints and tips, illustrations and a very readable style if you would like to get the best out of your gears read this.
How to best look after your bike. No tools required.
Keeping your bike working well between services needn't be a challenge. This article describes four simple actions that you can take that'll make all the difference.
Don't! buy a cheap new bike.
The first article I wrote. Still frequently linked to from all over the web, and it even landed me with a piece on the BBC's watchdog program. Clearly explaining from much personal experience just why that 'to good to be true' cheap bike is a waste of your money.
Advice on buying a childs bike.
I spent a day visiting local bike shops, big stores and other retailers to find out what you can really get for your money when looking to buy a childs bike. The conclusions make interesting reading.